Pelvic Health Support

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Beating Endo

Beating Endo

Arms women with cutting-edge knowledge of how the disease works and what the endo sufferer can do to take charge of her fight against it.
Offers readers an anti-inflammatory lifestyle protocol that incorporates physio, nutrition, mindfulness and environment.

The Doctor Will See You Now

The Doctor Will See You Now

Gives hope to everyone connected to endometriosis. That includes every woman and young girl who has it, and the women and men in their lives – the mothers, fathers, husbands, children, and friends – who know something is wrong, but do not know what it is or what to do about it.

Outsmart Endometriosis

Outsmart Endometriosis

Sought after endometriosis, pelvic pain and nutrition expert Dr. Jessica Drummond, DCN, CNS, PT, offers a comprehensive approach to managing your symptoms using simple, repeatable strategies that will enable you to get your life back on track.

why do i hurt?

Why Do I Hurt?

Chronic pain is commonly due to an extra-sensitive nervous system and how the brain processes information from the nerves. Understanding the neuroscience of pain has been shown to allow patients to hurt less, exercise more and regain control of their lives.
Teaches patients the science of pain in approachable language.


Change Your Brain, Change Your Pain

Learn to make the lifestyle changes required to desensitize your nervous system.
Addresses the 5 Core Pillars of a Sensitive Nervous System including understanding your pain system, changing your thoughts & beliefs about your pain, exercise, relaxation strategies and improving social connections.

When Sex Hurts

When Sex Hurts

This easy‑to‑understand, accessible guide offers key information on the most urgent questions about the causes of pelvic pain, how to find the right doctor, the relationship between pelvic sex and genetics, the newest in treatment for pelvic pain and pelvic pain indications and how psychological factors can contribute to and reduce pelvic pain.

Why Pelvic Pain Hurts

Why Pelvic Pain Hurts

The more you know about pain, the better off you'll be. Why Pelvic Pain Hurts: Neuroscience Education for Patients with Pelvic Pain teaches you the truth about your chronic pelvic pain; what it is, how the brain and nervous system collaborate to create pain and how you can finally find relief. Written by physical therapists Adriaan Louw, Sandra Hilton and Carolyn Vandyken.

Breaking Through Chronic Pelvic Pain

Breaking through Chronic Pelvic Pain

If you suffer from chronic pelvic pain your practitioner is unable to treat effectively or you are you a practitioner who has struggled to identify the cause and treat your patients’ pelvic pain, Dr. Weiss will empower you to discover the true source of debilitating pelvic pain and finally alleviate it.

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic Pain The Ultimate Cock Block

Dr. Susie Gronski blends cutting edge research with practical advice that you can put into practice right away wherever you are on your journey through pelvic pain. In addition to the biological underpinnings of pain, this edition is more psychologically informed for a well-rounded picture of health that empowers you toward self-guided healing.

secret suffering

Secret Suffering: How Women's Sexual & Pelvic Pain Affects Their Relationships

20% of women globally suffer from Chronic Pelvic and Sexual Pain (CPP), which is often underdiagnosed, misdiagnosed and improperly treated. This book exposes the issue, provides early signs to look for, a proven blueprint to regain intimacy, and offers hope and a path to better health.