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Pelvic Girdle Pain: Navigating Relief During and After Pregnancy

Pelvic Girdle Pain: Navigating Relief During and After Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a beautiful journey, yet it can be accompanied by physical challenges that can affect a woman’s well-being. One such challenge is Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP), a common discomfort that many expectant and postpartum mothers experience. Fortunately, there are ways to alleviate this discomfort, including SRC Health’s innovative, evidence-based compression garments, that are endorsed by the Australian Physiotherapy Association and Australian College of Midwives. In this blog, we explore the nuances of PGP and how SRC Pregnancy and recovery garments can provide much-needed support.

Understanding Pelvic Girdle Pain

PGP is characterized by pain in the pelvic region, particularly around the joints that connect the sacrum and ilium bones and the symphysis pubis. This pain can radiate to the lower back, hips, thighs, and even down to the legs, making everyday activities like walking, standing, and sleeping challenging.

Causes of PGP

  1. Hormonal Changes: Pregnancy hormones such as relaxin cause the ligaments in the pelvis to relax and stretch in preparation for childbirth, leading to instability and discomfort.
  2. Biomechanical Stress: The added weight and shift in the centre of gravity during pregnancy puts extra stress on the pelvis and surrounding muscles, potentially causing misalignment and pain.
  3. Postpartum Recovery: After childbirth, the body undergoes changes as it readjusts and recovers. The process of healing can prolong pelvic discomfort if not managed properly.

Supporting Mothers-to-Be

SRC Pregnancy garments are designed to alleviate PGP symptoms by providing targeted anatomical support and compression during pregnancy.

They also provide relief from low back pain, mild varicose veins, sciatica and vulval varicosities.

  1. Gentle Compression: The fabrics offers consistent gentle Grade 1 compression, helping to stabilize the pelvic region and reduce joint stress. This can ease walking and other daily activities.
  2. Postural Support: By supporting the lower back and abdomen and pelvic floor, the garments help improve posture, which can prevent additional strain on the pelvis and lower back.
  3. Comfort: Made from breathable, stretchy materials, these garments provide comfort throughout the day and night, allowing pregnant women to move freely and confidently.
  4. Multiple Styles: A range of leggings and shorts are offered, ensuring every woman can find a garment that fits her needs and style preferences.

pregnancy garment support

Aiding Postpartum Healing

After childbirth, the body requires time and support to recover. SRC Recovery garments offer safe assistance to new mothers, particularly those experiencing lingering PGP.

The Recovery shorts and leggings aid in the treatment of abdominal muscle separation (diastasis rectus abdominus), perineal tears and stitches, C-section wounds, sciatica and low back pain. 

  1. Safer Recovery: The compression provided by SRC Recovery garments can help improve circulation, reducing swelling and inflammation, which contributes to better recovery.
  2. Muscle Stability: By offering gentle yet sustained support to the abdomen, pelvis, and lower back, these garments help stabilize muscles, allowing the body to regain its pre-pregnancy strength.
  3. Ease of Movement: Postpartum women often face challenges in movement due to ongoing discomfort. The garment support can alleviate this discomfort, making everyday tasks more manageable.
  4. Backed by Experts: Developed in consultation with healthcare professionals, these garments are designed to meet the specific needs of postpartum recovery.

How Compression Aids in PGP Relief

Compression garments play a crucial role in alleviating PGP by addressing its root causes and symptoms:

  1. Stabilizing Joints: By offering targeted pressure to the pelvic region, compression garments help stabilize joints, reducing discomfort caused by ligament laxity or biomechanical stress.
  2. Reducing Inflammation: Improved circulation from compression can reduce inflammation, which contributes to pelvic discomfort.
  3. Promoting Healing: Consistent support and stability encourage proper alignment, allowing the body to heal effectively over time.

Pelvic Girdle Pain can be a daunting aspect of pregnancy and postpartum recovery, but it doesn’t have to define a woman’s journey. Women can find the support and relief they need to navigate this transformative time comfortably with garments that not only offer immediate relief but also aid in overall recovery, ensuring a smoother journey through motherhood.

Targeted compression and stability can transform how women experience PGP, allowing them to focus on the joys of pregnancy and motherhood. So, if you or someone you know is facing PGP, consider SRC Health’s innovative solutions for a more comfortable journey.

Purchase yours here.

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